Women Leaders in Digital Health Awards 2024

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Launched in 2017 by Digital Health Canada, the annual Women Leaders in Digital Health Award recognizes those female visionaries who are harnessing the power of IT to transform Canadian health and healthcare. The award is unique among power lists and award programs in that it recognizes women at any stage of their career progressions and is inclusive of all women of influence no matter where they might be in the health IT field.

 The award is open to all females working in the Canadian digital health community at all stages of their career from emerging professionals (first 7 years in profession) to leaders (within their department or organization) to executives (representing Director level and up). Each year, up to ten new Women Leaders in Digital Health are selected for recognition by an adjudication committee of industry peers.

Eligibility: This award is open to all females in the digital health community in Canada, including members and non-members of Digital Health Canada. Nominations will be accepted from women at all levels of their career.

Nomination criteria

  • The nominee’s efforts have made a significant contribution to move the Canadian digital health agenda forward.
  • The nominee’s leadership and influence is recognized within her organization, jurisdiction and/or the national level.
  • The nominee’s leadership and influence has made a significant contributionto or strongly impacted health outcomes or health system improvements.
  • The contribution is a result of the nominee’s dedication and promotion of activities, involvement with organizational change, or transformation through the use of technology. Also requires sound operational strength including thequalities of enterprise, confidence, and credibility, effective organizational communication, and broad influence.
  • The nominee's submission represents achievements made from June 2023 to June 2024

Supporting Material Required

  • A letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
  • At least two other letters of support for the nominee
  • The nominee’s biography, photo, profile or summary of qualifications

Digital Health Canada is committed to diversity, inclusion and equity in connection with our vision, mission, values and pillars. We strive to develop an awards program that reflects the diversity of the Canadian health ecosystem and the Digital Health Canada member and stakeholder community. We actively welcome nominations for people who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2S+, or living with disability, as well as People of Colour or members of other racialized, marginalized, and equity-seeking groups.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.