Recognizes up to three individual leaders (non-executive leader within their department or organization), whose outstanding ongoing contribution, have helped advance Digital Health or Virtual Health in Canada.
This award is open to any leader (non-executive, non-emerging professional) in the digital health community in Canada working in either the public or private sector. This award is open to members and non-members of Digital Health Canada. NOTE: Current members of the Digital Health Canada Board of Directors and Awards Adjudication Committee are ineligible for this award.
Nominations must specifically address all the following criteria and incomplete nominations will not be considered.
- The nominee’s efforts have made a significant contribution to move the Canadian digital health/virtual health agenda forward.
- The nominee’s leadership is recognized within his/her organization or jurisdiction.
- This contribution is the result of the nominee’s dedication and promotion of activities.
- The nominee’s leadership has made a significant contribution to or strongly influenced health outcomes or health system improvements
- The nominee's submission represents achievements made from January 2024 to December 2024. Please include dates when making specific references.
Supporting Material Required
- A nomination letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
- Two other letters of support for the nominee (only two will be reviewed by the adjudication committee)
- The nominee’s biography, profile or summary of qualifications
Digital Health Canada is committed to diversity, inclusion and equity in connection with our vision, mission, values and pillars. We strive to develop an awards program that reflects the diversity of the Canadian health ecosystem and the Digital Health Canada member and stakeholder community. We actively welcome nominations for people who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2S+, or living with disability, as well as People of Colour or members of other racialized, marginalized, and equity-seeking groups.
Recognizes up to three individual emerging leaders who are in the first seven years of their Digital Health or Virtual Health career and have clearly demonstrated leadership and achieved early success
This award is open to any emerging professional in the digital health/virtual health community in Canada working in either the public or private sector. It is applicable to those individuals who are in the first seven years of their Digital Health or Virtual Health career and has not held a leadership (director level and above) position in another industry. This award is open to members and non-members of Digital Health Canada.
Nominations must specifically address all the following criteria and incomplete nominations will not be considered.
- Supervisors and peers have recognized the nominee for demonstrating leadership and/or innovation in his/her work. Please provide examples of the type of leadership (e.g., team leadership, thought leadership, etc.) that the nominee has demonstrated and how his/her leadership or innovation has helped improve health outcomes and/or achieve health system efficiencies.
- The nominee actively participates in promoting and developing the field of digital health/virtual health. Please provide examples of how the nominee has contributed to the digital health/virtual health industry through activities such as, but not limited to, presenting at conferences, participating on industry association committees or volunteer boards, publishing articles, mentoring and involvement with academic organizations, etc.
- The nominee has demonstrated her/his commitment to continuously improving his/her professional development. Please provide examples of professional development activities the nominee has undertaken.
- The nominee's submission represents achievements made from January 2024 to December 2024. Please include dates when making specific references.
Supporting Material Required
- A nomination letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
- Two other letters of support for the nominee (only two will be reviewed by the adjudication committee)
- The nominee’s biography, profile or summary of qualifications
Recognizes up to three individual Executives (representing Director level and up) whose outstanding contributions as a leader, have helped advance Digital Health or Virtual Health in Canada
This award is open to any executive in the digital health community in Canada working in either the public or private sector. This award is open to members and non-members of Digital Health Canada. NOTE: Current members of the Digital Health Canada Board of Directors and Awards Adjudication Committee are ineligible for this award.
Nominations must specifically address all the following criteria and incomplete nominations will not be considered.
- The nominee’s efforts have made a significant contribution to move the Canadian digital health/virtual health agenda forward.
- The nominee’s leadership is recognized within his/her jurisdiction or more broadly, often at the national level.
- This contribution is the result of the nominee’s dedication and promotion of activities.
- The nominee’s leadership has made a significant contribution to or strongly influenced health outcomes or health system improvements
- The nominee's submission represents achievements made from January 2024 to December 2024. Please include dates when making specific references.
Supporting Material Required
- A nomination letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
- Two other letters of support for the nominee (only two will be reviewed by the adjudication committee)
- The nominee’s biography, profile or summary of qualifications
Digital Health Canada is committed to diversity, inclusion and equity in connection with our vision, mission, values and pillars. We strive to develop an awards program that reflects the diversity of the Canadian health ecosystem and the Digital Health Canada member and stakeholder community. We actively welcome nominations for people who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2S+, or living with disability, as well as People of Colour or members of other racialized, marginalized, and equity-seeking groups.
Recognizes up to three Start-Up Innovators who have clearly demonstrated leadership and innovation and whose outstanding contribution has advanced Digital Health or Virtual Health in Canada.
This award is open to any start-up innovator in the digital health or virtual health community in Canada. It is applicable to professionals working in a start-up that is innovative and in the early stages of developing a business model that has the potential to scale rapidly. Start-up innovators are working to validate product-market fit, establish a business model to support scalability and profitability, and are looking to grow rapidly in Canada and internationally. This award is open to members and non-members of Digital Health Canada.
Nominations must specifically address all the following criteria and incomplete nominations will not be considered.
- The nominee’s efforts have made a significant contribution to move the Canadian digital health/virtual health agenda forward.
- The nominee’s leadership is recognized within his/her organization, jurisdiction and/or the national level.
- The nominee is creating a product or service in digital health/virtual health in an innovative fashion
- The nominee’s product or service is encouraging use of digital health/virtual health to improve health outcomes, education, access, efficiencies, quality and/or patient safety
- The nominee's submission represents achievements made from January 2024 to December 2024. Please include dates when making specific references.
Supporting Material Required
- A nomination letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
- Two other letters of support for the nominee (only two will be reviewed by the adjudication committee)
- The nominee’s biography, profile or summary of qualifications
Digital Health Canada is committed to diversity, inclusion and equity in connection with our vision, mission, values and pillars. We strive to develop an awards program that reflects the diversity of the Canadian health ecosystem and the Digital Health Canada member and stakeholder community. We actively welcome nominations for people who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2S+, or living with disability, as well as People of Colour or members of other racialized, marginalized, and equity-seeking groups.
The Steven Huesing Scholarship was established in 1999 in recognition of the contribution that the late Steven Huesing, COACH Founding President, made to the association. The scholarship was developed to reflect the spirit, dedication and innovation that the Founding President brought to the field of health informatics.
Scholarship applications are accepted from any student currently enrolled in a health informatics, digital health/virtual health or related program at an accredited post-secondary institution.
Applications must specifically address all the following criteria andincomplete applications will not be considered. The applicant should:
- Be of sound academic standing (See Supporting Material Requirements, below);
- Demonstrate active involvement and achievement in digital health/ virtual health; and
- Show how his/her educational work has made a recognized contribution to advancing the thinking in digital health/virtual health.
Supporting Material Required
The following must be submitted with the nomination:
- A transcript of marks
- A letter of recommendation from a professor or academic advisor describing the applicant’s involvement with and achievements in health informatics, digital health, and or virtual health or healthcare delivery.
- Proof of enrollment in and current attendance at a recognized Canadian post-secondary institution in a health informatics or related program
Recognizes up to three individual Community Care Leaders who have shown outstanding leadership in Canada in advancing the use of Digital Health or Virtual Health resulting in improved provider and patient experiences and outcomes.
This award is open to any community care leaders working at local, regional and/or national levels in the digital health community in Canada working in either the public or private sector. This award is open to members and non-members of Digital Health Canada.
The nominee's colleagues have recognized him/her as a champion for advancing digital health/virtual health in the community; The nominee has served as a role model, champion and leader in encouraging digital health/virtual health to improve knowledge-based practice and the quality of patient care; and/or the nominee provides demonstrated leadership in encouraging the appropriate use of digital health/virtual health to improve health outcomes.
Nominations must specifically address all the following criteria and incomplete nominations will not be considered.
- Implementing and using digital health/virtual health in an innovative fashion
- Encouraging digital health/virtual health to improve knowledge-based practice and the quality of patient care
- Encouraging the appropriate use of digital health/virtual health to improve health outcomes
- The nominee's submission represents achievements made from January 2024 to December 2024. Please include dates when making specific references.
Supporting Material Required
- A nomination letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
- Two other letters of support for the nominee (only two will be reviewed by the adjudication committee)
- The nominee’s biography, profile or summary of qualifications
Digital Health Canada is committed to diversity, inclusion and equity in connection with our vision, mission, values and pillars. We strive to develop an awards program that reflects the diversity of the Canadian health ecosystem and the Digital Health Canada member and stakeholder community. We actively welcome nominations for people who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2S+, or living with disability, as well as People of Colour or members of other racialized, marginalized, and equity-seeking groups.
Recognizes up to three individual clinical innovators, who have shown outstanding leadership in Canada in advancing the use of Digital Health or Virtual Health in clinical practice resulting in improved provider and patient experiences and outcomes.
This award is open to any practicing clinician leaders at local, regional and/or national levels in the digital health community in Canada working in either the public or private sector. This award is open to members and non-members of Digital Health Canada.
The nominee's clinical, digital health/virtual health colleagues have recognized him/her as a champion for advancing the adoption and benefits such as those of EHRs, EMRs, EPR' and other such records; The nominee has served as a role model, champion and leader in encouraging design, implementation and use of digital health/virtual health to improve knowledge based practice and the quality of patient care; and/or The nominee provides demonstrated leadership in encouraging the appropriate use of digital health/virtual health in practice and the management of patient/client/resident care/education and improved health outcomes.
Nominations must specifically address all the following criteria and incomplete nominations will not be considered.
- Implementing and using digital health/virtual health in an innovative fashion
- Encouraging interconnectivity of digital health/virtual health systems between health care providers and across the continuum of care
- Encouraging use of digital health/virtual health to improve health outcomes, education, access, efficiencies, quality and patient safety
- The nominee's submission represents achievements made from January 2024 to December 2024. Please include dates when making specific references.
Supporting Material Required
- A nomination letter outlining the particular reasons the nominee is recommended for consideration
- Two other letters of support for the nominee (only two will be reviewed by the adjudication committee)
- The nominee’s biography, profile or summary of qualifications
Digital Health Canada is committed to diversity, inclusion and equity in connection with our vision, mission, values and pillars. We strive to develop an awards program that reflects the diversity of the Canadian health ecosystem and the Digital Health Canada member and stakeholder community. We actively welcome nominations for people who are Black, Indigenous, LGBTQIA2S+, or living with disability, as well as People of Colour or members of other racialized, marginalized, and equity-seeking groups.